Thursday 26 May 2016

How Much Does my Face Cost?

Hey honeys! As always, I've been MIA on here but I do have an excuse - it's exam season. Even though I leave everything until last minute, I've still had a lot of homework and unfortunately blogging has fallen to the bottom of my priority list. If you follow my Instagram then you'll know that I do update on there a lot more often (and I recently reached 1K! Enter my giveaway here, it features a few of the products in this post), so I'm not entirely falling behind! Anyway, a tag that I've taken a lot of interest in lately is the 'How Much Does my Face Cost?' tag. I was so pleased to see one of my lovely followers Maecee do this on YouTube (watch here), and tag everyone who wanted to take part. Therefore, I have an excuse to do my own! Hopefully she allows me to change it slightly from a video to a blogpost. As usual, I tag anyone else who is interested.
So, basically this tag is adding up the cost of each makeup item on your face. I'm wearing my simple, every day make up at the moment, so we'll just go with that one!